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News | Developer’s Republic, A Crowdfunding Focused Publisher, Sets Sight on Expansion


Developer's RepublicOver the last few years Developer’s Republic’s PR brand – PR Hound – has assisted in raising over £1.2million in it’s work promoting crowdfunding campaigns. Now the company is looking to expand it’s remit to a point where they can support Kickstarter projects from inception through to the customer.

And to do this, as a twist of fate, they are seeking funding.

The company has currently submitted itself into Virgin Media’s “VOOM – Pitch to Rich” competition, a competition focused on discovering worthwhile organisations and giving them a cash injection in order to enable them to quicker reach their potential. It’s a system wherein the public can vote on pitches as to push them closer to the gaze of Sir Branson,

A successful Kickstarter is a hard thing to explain, in fact there are several people who have published books regarding it – extremely analytical guides which tell of how to monitor and grow your campaign. A development team may be masterful artists, creating an amazing looking title, but simply not knowing how to make their pitch, or the team may be extremely talented AND charismatic, however not be able to control their want and may massively spiral the scale of the project, or even just completely fail to meet production deadlines.

I, personally, can support a company who wants to help fill in the missing pieces of the puzzle, or off support and structure where otherwise there might not be any.

Developer’s Republic’s pitch can be found here – [Pitch] – the press release assures me that it only takes 16.1 seconds to vote. It took me a little longer as I scuffed my Facebook password up.

Developer’s Republic
Looks to Restore the Faith in Crowdfunding Indie Developers

London, UK – May 13, 2016 – Today Developers Republic, an indie developer-focussed company specialising in crowdfunding, publishing and PR, announces its entry into Virgin Media’s “VOOM – Pitch to Rich” competition for 2016.

“Under our PR Hound brand, we work closely with indie developers in our Kickstarter work, and are proud to say that we have helped various teams raise over $1.2 million dollars.”, said Jim Philpot, Technical Director at Developers Republic. “Nowadays backers are, quite rightly, demanding more from developers!”

With too many projects having failed to deliver, backers are being more hesitant to pledge without evidence of planning, and clearly defined objectives, this is what Developer’s Republic are looking to address. Wanting to give a ‘stamp of approval’ to titles, which will indicate to the backer Developer’s Republic are involved from the crowdfunding, to the earliest stages of development, right up to release!

“This is a chance to demostrate the power of the indie scene as a group. This stage is all about votes and the current 1st place pitch has around 5,000 votes. I am absolutely convinced that if indie backers and developers voted we would absolutely demolish that total and enter the next stage from a position of real strength, showing Richard Branson that this is a serious market place worthy of support.”, says Jim Philpot, “Voting takes 16.1 seconds (or less!) and we can’t continue without those votes. Every single vote counts, so please take a few seconds to vote and let’s make a real positive change to the indie game scene!”.

Developers Republic Are Making One Simple Request – Support the Indie Games Scene!

Vote for Developers Republic on VOOM

It’s that simple.

Voting takes 16.10s – check out our “speed run”: Speed Run
(unless you think you can do it faster?)


About Developers Republic
Twitter: @dev_rep
Facebook: DevRep

Indie video game Publisher and Developer. Bringing help and experience to Indie developers at all stages development: Concept preparation, Crowd-Funding and Fund-raising, Development/Production, QA and Localisation, PR and Sales. Developers Republic has an established brand – PR Hound – and fantastic media reach.
About Jim Philpot
LinkedIn: here.
Mobygames: here.

Highly experienced video games Executive Producer and Development Director, with 20 years in the videogames industry. Co-founder of Ignition Entertainment. Kickstarter/crowd-funding expert. Over 80 titles delivered since 2001 across all major formats, from GameBoy Color to PS3 and Xbox360. Managed teams of 100+ in UK (London), Japan (Tokyo) and USA (Gainesville). Budgets from £100,000 to £20,000,000.
About VOOM
Virgin Media Business: #VOOM 2016 – Pitch to Richard Branson to win a share of £1 million in prizes. Plus, a whole raft of money-can’t-buy opportunities. The UK and Ireland’s biggest and most valuable pitch competition.


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