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New Kingdom Come: Deliverance Dev Diary; Optimisation, Weapons, Quests.

Warhorse Studios have released their latest developer diary, number 17, in which they detail where they are now with the project, and what they’re working towards over the next few months.

When Kingdom Come: Deliverance was first announced a few years ago it was graphically miles ahead of most of the industry; for many it was the first glimpse at the massive gap in technological advancements created by lengthy development cycles.

While still extremely visually impressive, and that will remain something that will be celebrated after it’s release too, the game’s main selling points for many -myself included- has been the historical setting and scale (16kM2), as well as the impressive focus on realistic combat.

The latest developer diary, below, details some new focuses for the team; optimisation of the massive amount of assets, finishing the questlines, and finalising the massive armour and weapon selection.

There was some bad news, some of the quests from the female storyline have been removed to expedite the completion of the project. The game’s creative director, Daniel Vávra, did confirm that these would be added back into the game following release as free content.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is going to launch on PC, Xbox One & PS4 in the future, you can get access to the PC alpha through the developer’s website.

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