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Mr Lister’s Quiz Showdown is all about knowing random facts

Mr Lister’s Quiz Showdown is a trivia, party game about knowing the answers to a wide variety of different questions. Unlike other quiz games we have played, there isn’t one specific answer, and instead is a list, with a few answers being of higher value than the others on the list.

You or your team are working together to attempt to gain a bunch of different drinks. Each card that has a question on it has a drink on the back. You will need to collect a specific amount of these drinks in order to win, but doubling up will not count. Mr Lister’s Quiz Showdown requires a trivia master, who reads out the cards so each team plays simulataneously. This player gets a mustache as well, to show that they are the games master.

Mr Lister’s Quiz Showdown

Once a question has been read out, like name the biggest counties in England by population, you and your team have a minute to write down as many answers as you know. Pencils are not included, but a paper pad is. This list will help you when it comes to the second phase, where you will need to pool together your best answers. The quiz master will have one team going first (rotating each round) who will then say one of their answers. If it is on the card, they should mark it on their paper, and if the other team has it on theirs, they should mark it too, so that they do not say it.

This will go back and forth for three rounds, with whoever names the most answers gaining the card. If someone says the gold answer on the card, they instantly win the card as well. If both teams win the card then there is a showdown, where they will need to either say a gold answer or get correct answers until the other team misses one.

Mr Lister’s Quiz Showdown is a pretty simple trivia game, with over a hundred different questions so you will not likely hit the same one within the first few times you play the game. Our group felt it’s a great game for family gatherings or for casual friend groups.

Mr Lister’s Quiz Showdown can be found on Amazon.

Looking to get your friends or family into board games? Check out our list of great, accessible games, perfect for just that, here.

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