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Mom Hid My Game is a puzzle game about finding confiscated consoles

If you were anything like me growing up then you would have encountered the base scenario of Mom Hid My Game. As the name of the game would imply, your Mom has stolen your game console and you have to navigate an ever-more-elaborate way of getting your Game Boy back to keep playing.

In all honesty, playing this on the Nintendo Switch has been some of the most enjoyable time of playing on my Switch so far. The scenarios got more and more elaborate and obscene,  making it endlessly funny to see the protagonist navigate through these challenges in order to get to his Game Boy.

The puzzles were often intuitive in their nature. Checking behind a bookcase to find the console or distracting your Mom on the couch so you could retrieve it. But, sometimes they were equally bewildering; culturally significant cues such as checking underneath a cushion that would be used to sit upon was, for someone who wouldn’t be so in tune with other cultures, something that people might struggle with.

One thing that was to Mom Hid my Game’s credit was the fact that all of the levels are short in nature. The rooms are the same for each puzzle (by in large) so you get a sense of where things are placed easily. Each time makes it obvious what the threat to your success is, and each level has fairly logical clues as to your progression. Fail states are often short and it’s easy to jump back into the action should you not get the right solution the first time around.

The only down point that I can say about it is for accessibility. There are some motion/timing based mechanics that determine your success or failure towards the end of the game. These can become one of the games biggest frustrations, as these were difficult to time even for someone who is able bodied. And there were no options to make it easier! This rules out some of Mom Hid My Game’s final act for some players.

Not to get spolier-y — as this is an ending not worth spoiling. However, I would urge players to see the journey of Mom HId My Game to its conclusion if they can. There is a wonderful piece of game design and narrative direction in the final act which brings the players through a journey of connection to technology and how it impacts your relationship with those who are close to you. More consequently, it wonderfully tells the a tale of someone’s choices and that everyone’s choices has an impact.

What — on the surface — can seem like a immature, humorous, time-sink actually unravels itself to be anything but. Thoughtful, engaging, humorous and with a touch of sentimentality that is just enough to make you think if you’re digging a little deeper. Mom Hid my Game comes with my whole-hearted recommendation for anyone who owns a switch.

Mom Stole my Game is available now on New Nintendo 3DS & Nintendo Switch. And “Hidden My Game by Mom” on IOS and Android .

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