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Melon Journey 2 — But what’s hidden beneath the surface?

Melon Journey 2 takes you into a retro-themed RPG where you play a young animal character, whose world is seemingly wonderful.

However, in Froach Club’s Melon Journey 2, not all is as cute and charming as it seems. Your character is looking for their friend, you were both meant to go to Hog Town — at neighbouring town where melons are illegal. Melons, you see, are a huge part of your life; you even work at a melon factory. Your friend was meant to wait for you before going on ahead, but they seem to have left, and now you’re stuck with your train delayed.

Instead of sticking around and waiting you are able to go back into your factory, where your boss makes some slightly sinister comments, you then head off and collect some items which your friend accidentally left behind. This first interaction with the boss is the first time you can start to look under the surface of these cute animals and their world.

Through going to and subsequently exploring Hog Town, you’ll start to find there is a lot of crime, kidnapping, and corruption within this world. Despite all of the cute animal characters this game is far more than meets the eye. I was able to play a bit of Melon Journey 2 at GDC, without ever playing the first. With these interlacing layers of different stories I’ll be watching the development of this game, and diving back to play Melon Journey as well.

You can take a look at the page of Melon Journey 2, to get more information.

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