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‘The Loop’ Becomes ‘Escape The Loop’; New Trailer, Store Page & Details

Pixel Maniacs have confirmed the development for The Loop has continued under a new name, and have specified more details including a new release window.

Those of you who followed me over here (with my Greenlight Highlight series) from my old website might remember me covering Pixel Maniacs’ The Loop while it was making it’s way through Greenlight.

While the game’s visuals were a bit heavy on the colour contrasting, the idea of the game; the player stuck in a groundhog-day style loop until they figured out a way to break the loop (involving a suspicious bunker) was sublime, and the fact it included puzzles that would rely on the player memorising things on replay was really clever.

The game was originally going through Greenlight at the start of 2016 (Jan), with an expected Q2 release. However, it fell silent as the team took the title back to the drawing board – and, there was also a hiccup with the name already being in use elsewhere.

Anyway, the other day the developers took to the Steam page and announced that the game was changing names to Escape the Loop, and that it had undergone some visual overhauls.

Indeed, the new title, which you can find on its page -linked below- includes a few different images, as well as the trailer at the bottom of this post, which show off a much better looking title; albeit one that’s still operating on the same cool idea.

Escape the Loop is currently listed for release on Windows & Mac in Q4 2017.

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