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In Chicory: A Colorful Tale you get to paint the town red

There exists a world where a single artist wields the power to define what everything looks like through the use of a giant paintbrush. But, what happens when they go away, taking the color with them? Chicory: A Colorful Tale is a brilliant platformer where you get to be the new master of the brush! 

Play as a quirky dog who has been working as a cleaner for the brush wielder. It’s a simple life until one day, the brush wielder left her brush outside her door and the color of the world was drained. As someone who always loved the brush and wanted to…. maybe hold it one day… you discover you have the power to wield it, and as such return  color to whatever you’d like! 

You can paint the walls, the ground, the windows, your own clothing, and much more — adding your own splash of paint here and there is a lot of fun. However, as it turns out, there’s also an adventure to be had. Chicory has a bunch of puzzles within the game — plants that grow or become bouncy if they are painted for instance — allowing you to manipulate the environment to unlock new areas and explore beyond the town. 

There is a variety of people in this world, each with their own personalities and opinions on exactly what you paint. Some might even ask for specific colors, showcasing them on their speech bubble, and it’s up to you if you help them out or not. Others will never be happy with your work, as it is just not as good, in their mind, to the previous artist. 

Chicory: A Colorful Tale

Despite your happy demeanor and all of the gifts dotted around, there is something strange afoot, something related to the color being drained from the world. Finding the previous brush wielder opens up a world of darkness, one that seems to have been invading your home for some time. Whether you meant to become the new brush wielder or not, you now have the brush, so you’ll need to be the one to help stop darkness from coming in.

Chicory is a wonderful game. Even in the small demo that I was able to play there was so much character, so many beautiful graphics and a great depth to the game that I just wasn’t expecting. 

Chicory was a part of the Steam Games Festival Summer and you can wishlist it currently on Steam.

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