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Greenlight Highlight | Wondership Q

Wondership QTitle: Wondership Q
Developer: CyGames
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

2D Platform Adventure game with deep crafting system.

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

You’ve been turned into a cat, and your brother has been stolen away. You’ve got to build your own airship with which to explore the world and rescue your brother.

What do we like most about it?

The fact that there’s a deep (they call it RPG) storymode in the game with NPCs dotted around the world as well as boss fights. Sure, Terraria and Starbound – both also 2D crafting titles – had depth and structure to them, but they actually lacked any story outside of quests. Hopefully the game will have the adventure/metroidvania-lite structuring of materials and ability/items in it like the two previously mentioned games did – while they lacked any drive to keep pushing forward they certainly did manage to capture the wonderful exploration feeling.

Anything else worth shouting about?

On the subject of exploration, I really like the idea of building up your own airship to explore the world with, an absolutely brilliant idea that fits perfectly with the other elements shown in the trailer.

When’s it due?

It’s not actually got a release date listed, however it did previously launch on Vita as Airship Q, so I would imagine the team are more so porting the game than developing it. It’s set to launch on PC, with no details on a future PC or Linux version.

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