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Greenlight Highlight | Unforeseen Incidents

Unforeseen Incidents - LogoTitle: Unforeseen Incidents
Developer: Backwoods Entertainment
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?


What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

117 Days after the breakout of a deadly virus which decimated the human population Harper Pendrell receives a radio message, requesting he to warns Yelltown’s survivors that “they are coming.“

What do we like most about it?

I’m quite a fan of the scratchy, sketchy art style that populates the world of Yelltown, and I’ve always got time for another point & click adventure game. Unfortunately details on the game’s story are incredibly thin on the ground, with slight allusions to it only saying that there was a conspiracy behind the virus, and that the prevention for the virus may have been under study at Yelltown itself.

As a matter of fact, for all of my trawling through Twitter, tumblr & Facebook pages I could only find two, weak hints at the plot; a tired-looking, bloody-nosed person coughing as they clutch their chest, laying on the floor. The second was of several heavy-clothing clad figures stumbling through the snow, lance-like weapons in hand maybe flamethrowers, chemical sprayers, or harpoons. Needless to say, I’m intrigued.

When’s it due?

Unforeseen Incidents is set to release in Spring of 2017, it will launch for PC, Mac & Linux.

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