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Greenlight Highlight | SwapQuest

swapquest-logoTitle: SwapQuest
Developer: Rebusmind
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?


What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Complete and clear the path ahead of your adventurer to help them complete their quest in this interesting tile-swapping puzzle game.

What do we like most about it?

Having played this before on my phone, I have to say that this IS a great fit for the PC audience despite what some might believe due to it’s cutesy appearance and simple interface.

The simple interface is definitely a selling point for the game –which also counts a class system with RPG elements and upgradeable weapons in its features. From my time with the game on mobile it’s a perfect balance to create that strange ‘just one more minute’ feel that clicker games hold over many.

Since adding the game to greenlight, the developer has confirmed that they will be adding a co-operative mode to the game which is a very promising addition.

When’s it due?

Swapquest is currently out on mobile devices, however is undergoing some major work in order to be ready for it’s planned PC launch in Summer of 2017.

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