Big Boss Battle
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Greenlight Highlight | Slay

slay-logoTitle: Slay
Developer: Sean O’Connor
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?


What do we like most about it?

Sean O’Connor’s Games for Windows is surely a well established part of gaming history by now. Slay -and Rats!- were my favourite two of the 13 game bundle, and I’m glad that Slay is set to make a transition over to Steam.

For those not aware of the game. Slay was a Hex based world conquest game where you had a simple upgrade ladder for units with each unit requiring more tiles to keep them alive. Each map was carefully designed to ensure that each of the six factions were littered liberally and so each match went through stages of consolidation and conquest in turn.

The simplicity of explaining it is also really the magic of it; even back in the 90’s when the game launched, it felt like it was a digitised form of some ancient maths-come-strategic game – so refined, simple, and memorable its manner.

When’s it due?

Slay hasn’t got a release date listed just yet, but as the game is already functionally complete I can’t imagine it would be long. The game will launch for Windows PC.

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