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Greenlight Highlight | Sky Trader

sky-trader-logoTitle: Sky Trader
Developer: Jeremy Jones
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

RPG Simualation

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Carve yourself a niche in the trader market as you travel the skies, trading and fending of raiders in the open world of Sky Trader.

What do we like most about it?

Open world games with trading/economy can be absolutely wonderful worlds to get lost within if done right. By having the player fly it means that you’re not only exploring in search of the next big steal, but you’re also actually seeing the world below you, actually exploring as you go about it.

The combat seems promising, and the features list also has mention of a recruit-able crew that can assist in these battles. You can also, in time, recruit other ships to ruin your steadier routes for you that you can head out into the wilderness and form new routes, and discover new resources.

If you’ve any want for those moments of discovery often found in open-world games, or a fan of games that feature commodity based economic ecosystems then I ask that you vote for this – in the least that I can play it.

When’s it due?

Sky Trader doesn’t currently have a release date list for it; however it is listed as launching on Windows PC, Mac & Linux when it’s done.

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