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Greenlight Highlight | Riskers

Title: Riskers
Developer: Shota Bobkhidze
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?


What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Become a one man crimewave all viewed from a birds-eye viewpoint, in what will surely be known as a splicing of Hotline Miami & GTA.

What do we like most about it?

Having played the Grand Theft Auto series before it went to third person, and having quite fond memories of it, I’m quite pleased to see a title like Riskers; which also adds into the mixture, quick, brutal interior combat a la Hotline Miami, appear on Greenlight.

The game is going to reportedly have a day & night cycle, as well as side-missions alongside the story that follows Rick throughout the game. There’s also races, in addition to the various hits and car chases.

When’s it due?

Riskers is currently listed as launching on Windows PCs in the Summer of this year.

1 Comment
  1. Dann Sullivan says

    I’ve always got time for games that pull off the birds eye view perspective well, and this looks to be one of those for sure.

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