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Greenlight Highlight | Razortron 2000

razortron-2000-logoTitle: Razortron 2000
Developer: NukGames
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

2D Vertical Racing Game

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

An infinite vertical racer set to an upbeat synth soundtrack in a hot neon world.

What do we like most about it?

I’m a complete sucker for anything that combine synth & neon, so this was a given for me. But, I have to say, it seems to have a perfect pacing between the shifts – and while I’m not too sure about how well the controls handle the game looks like a perfect wind-down game after a long day.

Also, $0.99 is pretty damn cheap for anything with as solid a soundtrack as this.

When’s it due?

Razotron 2000 is listed as already fully competed, and expected to launch a week after being greenlit. At this time it is only listed for release on Windows PC.

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