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Greenlight Highlight | Oh My Dirt!

oh-my-dirt-logoTitle: Oh My Dirt!
Developer: Noisy Ground Games
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Action Platformer

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Scale buildings to clean windows in a ridiculous future where giant monsters stalk the streets, and corporations control the emotions you need to buy to allow your child to survive in this crazy, mixed-up world.

What do we like most about it?

It’s a really tight looking platformer, with careful navigation, timing and a little-bit of forward planning required in order to get the most out of the levels. I especially like the fact that there are no pick-ups, you prepare all of your equipment before dropping into a level.

While the main character animations are somewhat lacking, the rest of the game looks pretty well designed, especially the giant boss monsters shown in the trailer.

When’s it due?

Oh My Dirt! is currently pencilled in for a second quarter 2017 release date. It is currently listed as only launching on Windows PC.

1 Comment
  1. Thanks for the post! there is more information in our indiegogo campaign 🙂

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