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Greenlight Highlight | Lotia

lotia-logoTitle: Lotia
Developer: Crayon Ponyfish
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Adventure RPG

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Explore the dreamworld of Lotia, learning it’s secrets and histories while exploring the stellar seas aboard the Surprise.

What do we like most about it?

Lotia seems to be, before anything else, a story-heavy adventure game and a world to lose yourself in. As a matter of fact, the screenshots and mention of a companion lore app built this game up as exactly that, and the fact that the vision has clearly been there from the start and led to, of all things, a companion app, shows the dedication and thoroughness of the developers.

The game’s setting seems very diverse as well, with several pocketed cultures dotted through the ruins of the former world, floating through space for you to visit. It’s all very interesting, and the artwork, music and quality of writing combine with what I’ve already discussed to make for a really solid storytelling experience.

When’s it due?

Lotia is set to release in the fourth quarter of this year for Windows PC & Mac.

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