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Greenlight Highlight | Into Delight

Title: Into Delight
Developer: Happy Stone
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?


What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Escape from an endless-seeming maze filled with optical illusions and tricks of the mind.

What do we like most about it?

Simplistic visuals, clever puzzles, and powerful music all coming together to create a massively immersive journey through an expansive maze; there’s a lot to like about the game, all of that before the fact that the creator is intent on delivering themes and patterns throughout the final version as part of a deeper test of absorbent puzzles.

There’s a short demo available for the game through the greenlight page; it’s definitely one worth checking out if you enjoy games that require a little bit of thought, as well as practical application of perception and applied logic.

When’s it due?

Into Delight doesn’t currently have an estimated release date; it is currently listed to launch for the Windows PC format.

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