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Greenlight Highlight | Fracture Falls

Fracture Fall - LogoTitle: Fracture Falls
Developer: Two Tales Games
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Space-Based Adventure Strategy RPG

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Humanity is dumped in a far away, dangerous place. Only through solid leadership can you lead the colony ship to safety, and a brighter future for it’s citizens.

What do we like most about it?

The trade system is dynamic, changing between the 50+ planets that dot the sector. Missions and situations appear as you move between location to location; each needing a resolution there and then – the burden of the task is entirely yours, but your council is there to offer advice too.

I see what you’ve done there Two Tales Games, and it’s absolutely magnificent – King of Dragon’s Pass [GOG][Steam] is easily one of my favourite games of all time, combining colony management with a challenging setting, inevitable conclusion and the inter-warring of factions who – frankly- should all be working together. Fracture Falls IS a wonderful expansion of those principles!

Anything else worth shouting about?

It’s pretty obvious by now that I’m very impressed with the game mechanics, I’ve got to say that the visuals are impressive as well, I really like the choice of static backgrounds while in certain parts of the planets, contrast that to the lights rippling around the cloudy constellations on the main navigation screen and it’s clear that all of these choices were carefully made.

When’s it due?

The game is being designed for PC, there’s currently no release date available.

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