Big Boss Battle
Gaming News, Reviews & Opinions

Gaming in Review | October 2016


The gaming industry remains one of the fastest evolving industries in the world, one that constantly adapts, and one that is increasingly expanding its reach and grasp on the citizens of the world’s free time. As such, there’s rarely a month go by which can be called a bad month in the industry, especially not when we look at it as players rather than puppet-masters and suits. 

To wave out the old, and welcome in the new we’ll be going through some of the defining factors of each of the months of the year. We’ll be listing some of the games that launched, discussing some of the events that happened, and discussing some of the implications that they had throughout the year, or might have going into the next.

So, without further ado, 

October 2016

October is always a big month for releases, and 2016 was no different. Among the releases was the interesting Atlas Reactor, the pulpy Shadow Warrior 2, and the expansive Civilization VI, meanwhile, Clockwork Empires exited Steam Early Access. It also saw the release of Titanfall 2, Ginger: Beyond the Crystal, Mordheim: City of the Damned (PS4, XBO), Gears of War 4, Thumper, Mafia III, and Aragami, as well as a whole lot more. October also saw the release of the Playstation VR.

  • United Front Games shut their door following financial difficulties, the studio had worked on a diverse selection of IPs over the years, but are best known for Sleeping Dogs, a spiritual successor to the True Crime series.


  • Following going free to play earlier on in the year (July), Evolve had its development put on hold by Turtle Rock, who had hoped that the change of business model for the game might have created a substantial new community as to rekindle development on the title. With no enlarged community, they were forced to halt updates and move onto their next project. [Turtle Rock Blog]


  • Two years after successfully funding on Kickstarter, Kingdom Come: Deliverance’s developer, Warhorse Studios, put pen to paper on a distribution and publishing deal with Deep Silver. [Warhorse Blog] When Kingdom Come was first announced (Jan 2014) its visuals were miles ahead of anything from anything other than AAA studios; while the title has lost that edge, it still prides itself on in-depth, realistic combat, and an open, historical world.


  • A new Oculus Rift, codenamed Santa Cruz, one aimed at usability and affordability was unveiled by Mark Zuckerberg at the Oculus Connect 3 event (as reported by PC Gamer). With the three main players on the stage -Rift, Vive, PSV- Oculus made the official first move into what they propose to be a new market in between expensive, wired-in headsets, and cheap, mobile-phone based alternatives.

As for Big Boss Battle? In month five we made 87 posts, with 35 of them features & reviews, we welcomed several new writers to the team, including Josh of Flash Reviews, and veteran indie reviewer Jorge.

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