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E3 2017 – Crackdown 3 Launches This November

Crackdown 3 finally made its return to the spotlight, and this time, it comes with the chance for people to finally mark their calendars.

Crackdown 3 has been a long time coming. After a long period of silence, Microsoft Studios and Sumo Digital finally brought the game back to the big E3 stage. The same madness that always marked this game remains, with the extra touch of Terry Crews being present in the trailer as Commander Jaxon, urging the player to get to arms and wreak havoc.

The trailer for Crackdown 3, which you can see below, features combat, shooting chaos and destruction, even if to a lesser degree than what we saw of the game some time ago. To wrap up the presentation of the game, it was announced that it will release on November 7.

Crackdown 3 will release on Xbox One and Windows 10 on November 7.

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