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Doggy Don’t Care – Mess up the house

Ever want to simply cause a bit of mayhem?! I’ve played a few games where you take on the role of a cat destroying the house, but never where a dog messes up everything! Doggy Don’t Care is a puzzle game about a dog named Charley, who has been left home alone for a few hours and gets a bit bored. 

In Doggy Don’t Care, you are able to explore the house, grabbing dog treats that your owner left behind. The issue is, this task is very quick for you to complete, and then you are left to your own devices. Your other pet friend, Rocko the parrot, isn’t a great influence and instead has a bunch of badges you can earn by being a bit mischievous. 

Some of these tasks aren’t too bad, like throwing a basketball through a hoop in the backyard, but soon you can find yourself peeing on various furniture and making a big mess in the house! There are tons of different toys for you to interact with around the house, as well as different areas to discover, but it’s up to you to sort of solve what Rocko wants you to do. You can always go back to him for hints as well, which is a bonus!

Doggy Don’t Care

Completing tasks isn’t done in any real order, instead in Doggy Don’t Care, you are meant to let your curiosity drive you forward and allow you to discover something new. There is a lot of freedom within the game; you can throw some toast, knock items off the side table, roll around in a flower patch, and squeak your squeaky toy around the house. This sort of freedom with the reward of badges when you complete a silly task, provides for a relaxing yet satisfying puzzle game.

I got the chance to play a demo of Doggy Don’t Care at Day of the Devs, where this game brought in a huge audience due to its funny and relatable puzzles! 

You can currently wishlist Doggy Don’t Care on Steam or play the free demo for yourself.

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