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Defiance 2050 to launch 2018 for Xbox One, PS4 & PC

Shooting the Shtako


Defiance 2050 is set 20 years after the Arkfall event, which left millions of Votans & humans dead. An event, which brought Earth into a post-apocalyptic landscape. Players will explore this desolate version of San Francisco in an open-world, whilst taking on story-driven missions as they fight for their survival. The game will feature dynamic open-world environments, “massive” cooperative battles, “stunning” updated visuals, and a “huge” weapon selection.

Defiance was one of the rare games I truly got caught up in the hype with, mostly due to it being a video game cross television series online FPS. Launching back in 2013 on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC, the game was not the big hit it deserved to be. I often watched the TV episode and then jumped onto the game to see what they had added since the airing. It was also one of the few games to promote a full on 64 player experience, though the game did suffer from framerate issues with these numbers.

Trion did a great job of keeping both the TV series and the game fully tied in and fresh. However, the Tv series ended just after 3 seasons, and the game never really pushed any further forward. To keep players engaged, it soon became a Free to play model a year after launch, which further alienated some of its loyal fan base. However, there was a good enough smattering of loyal players, which enjoyed the core experience and continued to play. Now, the developer has announced Defiance 2050 as a “from-the-ground-up” recreation of Defiance for current generation hardware, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Defiance 2050 - Hellion Arkfall Group

Defiance 2050 is set 20 years after the Arkfall event, which left millions of Votans & humans dead. An event, which brought Earth into a post-apocalyptic landscape. Players will explore this desolate version of San Francisco in an open-world, whilst taking on story-driven missions as they fight for their survival. The game will feature dynamic open-world environments, “massive” cooperative battles, “stunning” updated visuals, and a “huge” weapon selection.

Defiance 2050 is said to be a recreation of the original Defiance that aims to bring the game up to the standards of current generation of gamers as well as support the long-term players who are still currently playing. Trion Worlds is stating that ‘’Defiance 2050 is more than just a simple graphical remaster, as the game’s systems have gotten major improvements to create the definitive version of the game’’.

Defiance 2050 - Guardian Dark Matter

The development team has taken advantage of the current generation hardware and will bring larger scale battles to the player that they could not have done before.

The Producer of Defiance 2050, Matt Pettit has stated “Defiance 2050 has been created with the original game’s community in mind,” and that “The team has been listening to feedback and taking some helpful cues from fans to really create the Defiance experience that people have wanted for a long time. Defiance 2050 marks a shift for the game that goes beyond the change from the year 2046 to 2050, and we are absolutely thrilled to hear what people think of it.”

Defiance 2050 is scheduled to release summer 2018 with a planned closed beta period for players, which will be able to sign up for soon. One question that does remain is what will happen to the original Defiance, which Trion Worlds has lovingly been updating as time passes.

For more things Defiance, see the Developers website here.

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