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Cybermonk, fight against lasers of death!

Welcome to Cybermonk. Power up your religion and fight against the heathens by sending terrifying lasers of death into your portal, charging up your religion to win.

Playing Cybermonk at PAX AUS was great fun. Running around the small map, flipping around the giant mirrors to try and set up the perfect play, burning the enemy time alive and bouncing the laser into my glorious portal. It’s a simple gameplay loop, but one that rarely fails to thrill. 

Levels are tightly designed, and the opportunity to crush both your enemies and yourself with the big mirror blocks is great fun, even if I do kill myself with them a few too many times. The balance between trying to power up your portal and burn the enemies with the laser beams is a great mix, made even harder by the short timeframe that individual laser beams are active. This means that as the play progresses the temple becomes littered with the debris of previous attempts — each ready to spring into action to either burn you into a million burned pieces, or maybe even give you a surprise point. 

Cybermonk is still early in development, but they do have a mailing list which you can check out and you can wishlist the game on steam.

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