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Crowtel Renovations Now Available on Steam

SinksAdvenuture’s Crowtel Remaster – Crowtel Renovation, launched onto Steam earlier today.

The redux includes an unlockable story mode, various bugs and fixes, as well as a developer’s commentary. It passed through Steam Greenlight earlier on in the year (as readers of our GG series will know), and actually did so in such a flighty fashion that we only narrowly got our article out before it was greenlit.

Crowtel sees you playing as a crow concierge on a hasty, platforming mission to repair and -ultimately- save a hotel from being shut down by health inspectors. It’s a nonsensical romp through the hotel grounds as you slay beasties and help guests in an attempt to the the place spick-and-span before it all gets shut down.

Crowtel Renovations is available now on Windows & Mac, you can find the original game’s trailer below.

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