Big Boss Battle
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POOLS – Dip a toe

It was rare that I’d find myself going in circles in POOLS, and when I did it was really only in a small area that I could quickly progress from. Even so, I constantly felt like I didn’t know where I was going, and would find an exit by…

Fossilfuel 2 – Jurassic lark

It’s like watching a B-movie in that you know it won’t be perfect, but you’ll probably have a great time whilst you’re experiencing it. Fossilfuel 2 has its tongue so firmly pressed into its cheek that it’s popping out the side of its face.

Pinball M – System Shock DLC

This single table on offer for around a fiver depending on your region takes everything that’s so solid in the free table and gives it that cyberpunk horror spin. You’ll be launching your ball into cybernetically altered mutants, flipping…