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Camped Out — Set up camp before darkness

We wrote about Camped Out after last year’s PAX AUS, albeit back when it was called Scouts Honour. Its undergone some other changes in that time too; notably it has slowed down. This isn’t a bad thing at all, the earlier version was almost anxiety-firingly frantic, so much so that it almost ruined the co-operative element completely.

Camped Out

Camped Out puts you in a position that  I was in many times through my childhood: Setting up camp as night quickly approaches. Rather contrastadly, Camped Out has you harvesting the resources for your tents, fording rivers and defending your campsite from bears. Back then I only had to deal with tired campers and uncooperative tent poles.

With only a short time to set up for the night, you must unpack your bags, get the stone and wood needed for your campsite, put it all together and cook yourselves tea, along with special rules for the level at hand.

Camped out is scheduled to launch for PC and Mac later on this year.

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