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Afghanistan ’11 Tactical Take on Modern Combat Available Now

Afghanistan ’11, from Every Single Soldier and publisher Slitherine, launched earlier today on both Steam & the Slitherine store.

Following on from their efforts with Vietnam ’65, ESS have taken their more logistical, protectorate focus on Vietnam to the setting of the recent Afghanistan conflict.

The game, much like its predecessor, sees players focusing on creating logistic networks, counter-insurgency, and emotional victory in the face of guerilla forces and hostile terrain. This means you’ll be providing security to the citizens of the area, offering aid as to show the residents they do not need to turn to the opposition for help, and also deploying an effective net as to quickly deal with circumstances as they arrive.

Newspaper reports, elections, and other visual elements indicate your progress in winning over the hearts and minds of those unfortunate enough to be caught up in the conflict; while the improvements from the first also includes a new visuals system, and various mechanics tied to the modern technology that the shift in technology has brought.

Afghanistan ’11 is available on Slitherine’s website, or also through Steam. You can find a recent trailer below.

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