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ABZÛ Available Today on Xbox One

ABZÛ the popular, pacifist under-sea adventure is now available on Xbox One.

Giant Squid’s peaceful, tranquil undersea exploration title, which originally launched on PC and PS4 back in August, is available from today (December 6th) on Xbox One.

The game, which won awards for it’s gentle exploratory nature, sees players exploring the depths of the sea around a carefully laid out ocean ocean environment. The game received praise for it’s environmental story-telling as well as it’s immersive visuals and audio track.

As ‘the Diver,’ players uncover their true connection to the ocean,” the press release explains, “as the world around them begins to unlock its secrets.

The game’s publisher, 505 Games, also announced that they would be releasing the game as a Windows 10 version soon. A physical version of the game is set to release in January for Xbox One & PS4 in addition.

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