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Elite Dangerous Released for PS4; Launch Trailer Within

Frontier Development’s Elite Dangerous is now out on PS4.

Elite Dangerous, the space fighting, trading & exploring game, has finally made it’s journey to Sony’s home console. The latest version includes the Powerplay update for free, while a retail and digital ‘Commander Deluxe Edition‘ is also available which includes the recent Horizon season pass.

The Powerplay season pass added in major factions which were actively contesting over occupied space, with extra missions and rewards to be found for those who decide to back the various factions. With extra opportunity comes extra risk; bounty hunters and army forces are engaged in the fight too.

The Horizon season pass added in the ability to have your own physical representation in the game, as well as the ability to land on planets and explore using a surface vehicle. It also added engineers which are specialist characters who can built masterwork ship upgrades – if you can find enough resources to afford their services.

You can find a features list for the game below,

“Play Your Way.
Fight. Trade. Explore. Survive. Starting with only a small starship and a handful of credits, blaze your own trail in a cutthroat galaxy and earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to stand among the ranks of the legendary Elite. Customize your ships, build a fleet and live a complete life on humanity’s galactic frontier.

A Hard Science Galaxy. From outer space to the surfaces of worlds, Elite Dangerous uses real scientific principles to re-create the sights and spectacle of our own Milky Way galaxy at its true proportions, all powered by the most sophisticated simulation in videogames.

Massively Multiplayer. Experience unpredictable encounters as you cooperate and compete with players from around the world in the Milky Way galaxy of the fourth millennium. Journey alone or with friends in space and on planet surfaces.

Player-Driven Narrative. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s story influences the unique connected gaming experience and evolving narrative. Governments are overthrown, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions.”

In addition to the above, PS4 players will be able to use the touch pad to navigate maps, keybind extra buttons via the touchpad, and link some head movements to the gyro in the Dualshock 4.

You can find the release trailer below. It’s very action-packed, which is quite different to how I spend my time in the game; I play a smuggler, running illicit cargo around for mega spacebucks. Because I’m quite good at that I rarely see combat.

Elite Dangerous is out now on PS4, Xbox One & PC.

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