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E3 2017 | The Artful Escape of Francis Vendetti – Find Release from Your Family’s Legacy with this E3 Trailer

Microsoft’s E3 stage was a wild ride of previously unseen titles which’ll be launching for the console in the future – The Artful Escape of Francis Vendetti was among the brightest and boldest trailers to appear in the line-up.

Beethoven & Dinosaur’s The Artful Escape was easily one of the most visually surprising titles of the pre-E3 conference period, with the fantastical, neon journey of a young guitarist seeking to find a stage persona delivering a visually pleasing trailer – visible below.

The legacy of Vendetti’s musical ancestors have left the extremely talented musician with a curse; comparison to those who came before.

Here’s the official game blurb as it stands,

“On the eve of his first performance Francis Vendetti battles with the legacy of a dead folk legend and the cosmic wanderings of his own imagination. Francis, a teenage guitar prodigy, sets out on a psychedelic, multidimensional journey to inspire his stage persona. It’s the debut release from Beethoven & Dinosaur.”

At the moment there’s little to go on regarding how the game plays out except from brief moments in the trailer where the visuals take on the style of a platform title – albeit a musically driven one.

We’ll be sure to keep you posted on more of the game as it lands, as well as more titles from the game’s publisher Annapurna Interactive who have their name attached to Ashen, Gorogoa, What Remains of Edith Finch, and more.

There’s no estimated release date for the game, however when it does launch it will do so for Xbox One & PC.

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