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10 wonderful games from the Winter Sale

0 has over 1,000 games on sale, from December 18th until the 27th. We have looked through these games and have picked out a manageable 10 that you should pick up, if you haven’t already.

Skipchaser — 50% off at $2.49

First thing you will notice about Skipchaser is the games aesthetics, which are vibrant and unique. I got serious Relic Hunter Zero vibes while playing Skipchaser with its over the top enemy units, explosions, and gunplay. Skipchaser is far less cartoony but everything does feel odd and alien.

Read our full review.

Hidden Folks — 50% off at $4.99

Hidden Folks is a black and white, hand-illustrated, animated Where’s Wally-style experience with more charm than a charming thing on charm pills! In this simplistic and casual game there are no points to be won, and no time-limits to beat, just use the excellently funny clues to find a variety of characters and objects in a range of environments of varying difficulty in order to scour and squint your way to victory.

Read our full review.

Crawl — 30% off at $10.49

Overall, Crawl is crawling with potential. Crawl is a co-operative multiplayer, sprawling dungeon clash to the death featuring a blast of nostalgic feeling reminiscent of old arcade games of yester-year.

Read the full review.

Induction — 50% off at $4.99

Induction is a game that will make you feel smart, then make you feel like an idiot, only to then make you feel like an absolute genius, before immediately knocking you off that pedestal. Induction is a game well worth picking up if you’re looking to flex that grey matter, for as much as the game will (intentionally) frustrate you, it ultimately proves itself an awarding experience that will have you coming back to show those cubes who’s boss.

Read the full review.

Old Man’s Journey — 50% off at $3.74

Well, Old’s Man Journey is definitely a game that falls into the category of gamer art. This is a short bite-sized sweet experience that you will enjoy wrapped up in your blankets while sipping hot chocolate. This isn’t as robust as other ‘GameArt’ titles such as “Everything” or deeply engrossing like “Journey”. Old Man’s Journey is pleasant, simply put.

Read our review.

Little Bug — 50% off at $4.99

In all, Little Bug is a polished platformer that will charm speedrunners, completionists and casual players alike with a distinct aesthetic and intuitive mechanics. Following Nyah’s adventures is a wonderful treat that no indie enthusiast should miss out on.

Read our full review.

Mini Metro — 50% off at $4.99

All-in-all though I can happily state that Mini Metro is an enjoyable casual strategy game that I am glad I got to play, and would happily recommend it to others. It’s worth noting that there are Android and iOS versions too, which might be a good alternative and a better fit with the casual-style of gameplay – but speaking for the PC game, it’s worth picking up.

Read our review.

Regular Human Basketball — 30% off at $3.49

From my time playing it at PAX, Regular Human Basketball is an amazing piece of fun. I was only able to play with four players per team, but the excitement, frustration and enjoyment was palpable. The simplicity of the game meant that old NES controllers were used, which not only served to highlight how simple the controls are, but also made it that just much more fun and unique.

Read our PAX AUX feature.

Puzzle Puppers — 81% off at $0.49

Puzzle Puppers is a thoughtfully designed and robust puzzle game with attractive and charming characters. While improvements can be made to its onboarding and accessibility, there is a lot of good to be found in this pleasant and charming puzzler.

Read our full review.

SUPERHOT — 40% off at $14.99

It’s a bold, beautiful, artistic, innovative, annoyingly likeable hipster who not just sports an excellent beard and man bun, but can also shoot, skin and cook a Grizzly Bear. Wait, no. Sorry. That was nonsense. It’s actually more like the kind of rare game that is both entirely comfortable in its own skin, and entirely competent by any other measure. It’s more than competent in fact; it is exceptional.

Read our full review.

Disclaimer: Jupiter Hadley, one of the website owners, is an Adept Game Wizard for Armor Games. You can read more information on our disclaimers here.

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