The Batman mythos has evolved over the years since its inception and the strength of the characters; both good and evil; adds additional weight and focus to an already interesting premise.
As a board gamer with young kids, I’m always on the lookout for new ways to hook my family into enjoying the hobby with me. The trouble with most kids games is that they offer little in the way of interest for adult players. Splash Party,…
When I opened the sturdy, magnetised box of KingDomino Duel, I was expecting something that at least vaguely resembled the original game. What I got, however, was something that looked entirely different to me, to the extent that aside from…
Although I’ve only played a few personally, the Roll-and-Write genre is becoming ever more popular among board gamers. Played on a printed sheet with nothing but a pen and a few dice (in most cases) these games are fast and filled with…
Talisman: Legendary Tales is aimed at a new, much younger audience and even though it is faster and simpler than the original, it also manages to be way, way smarter. When you mention Talisman to a modern board gamer, you’ll likely get one…