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Ransom Notes – Fridge Magnet Fun

Ransom Notes is an adult party game where players are tasked with grabbing random fridge magnets and creating sentences that may or may not make sense. This is the type of party game that works well with groups of people that have the same sort of humor and is often played in a way that there isn’t really a winner and points don’t matter much at all!

Within only a few minutes of opening the box players will have a prompt card that everyone is working through. These cards can say something like “describe what a hangover feels like” or “where do babies come from”. After the prompt is read, everyone will start going through their pile of magnetic words and creating some sort of answer on their magnetic board. We were pretty relaxed with the amount of time that we took to create our answers as we found it led to funnier results.

Once these are done, everyone then takes a turn reading their answers aloud, and the best answer wins. We then let that winning person select and read the next prompt, then pick the next winner in the next round. As the magnets are what determines your reply to the prompt, they are often very silly, not proper sentences, and have a lot of character.

Ransom Notes has plenty of cards and tons of magnets, really giving people a lot to work with and a lot of replay value. When it comes to the magnets, there are also magnets that can add “S” or “ed” to a word, which can help transform what you have. If you are looking to make the game a bit more appropriate, for a younger audience, you can easily go through and remove the inappropriate questions and swears from the magnets, which can allow any age to participate! There is a lot of versatility with this type of party game, and you can play until you all don’t feel like playing anymore! 

Ransom Notes is silly, fun, and chaotic at times. The prompts are very funny and unique, and there are plenty of magnetic tiles to create whatever you need. The box itself is quite heavy for its size (it’s literally full of magnets and metal plates), but it works very well for a game in between other activities or just an ice breaker! 

You can find Ransom Notes on Amazon.

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